Diship Sharma
2 min readMar 31, 2023

Book review : Money hacks

▫️This book indeed induced interest in me the moment I saw it . It’s a very quick read based on the format. If you want some suggestions for how to save some money here and there and maybe manage your debt a little better or start investing a bit more, it’s worth a read.

▫️The joy of the book is that it really is just 275+ tips, each just a couple pages long.

▫️The book is divided into a few parts, focused on saving, managing debt, and investing for the future.

▫️While I absolutely do think there is good information in here, a lot of it just wasn’t applicable to me. For instance, the obvious money-saving hacks are irrelevant to me: I don’t have Amazon Prime, I don’t subscribe to Netflix, I have stopped buying that many books, etc. I’m sure there are places I could cut spending, and that’s probably worth thinking about, but there’s also a point where I just want to buy a coupl ofe books a year and not feel like that’s a “bad financial decision.”

▫️In Money Hacks you will learn the basics of your finances so you can start making every penny count. Whether you’re trying to pay down debt, start an emergency fund, or make the smartest choice on a major purchase, this book is chock-full of all the useful hacks to make your money work for you in every situation!


Would I recommend this?
Yes, definitely.

Diship Sharma

Book Blogger, Reviewer, Teacher. Mphil & Masters in English literature and Education. | love to write about relationships, mindfulness, peace, and self-love